Certified Quality Management System according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015


Certified quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015,A quality management system (QMS) according to DIN EN ISO 9001 was introduced, realized, maintained and continuously developed in 2013 at the institute.

The requirements of the standard were implemented at ICM in order to establish a quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001. Long-term success is achieved through targeted management and control based on an effective and efficient management system, which is primarily geared to the needs of research partners and customers.

The initial certification of the quality management system took place in January 2015 by SLG Prüf- und Zertifizierungs GmbH. Since then, the QMS has been certified throughout.


In February 2018, the quality management system was converted to the new standard version DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. The certificate was issued by SLG Prüf- und Zertifizierungs GmbH.


In February 2024, the quality management system was certified again according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. The certificate was issued by SLG Prüf- und Zertifizierungs GmbH.

ICM - Institut Chemnitzer Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V.

M. Sc. Conrad Luft

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09117 Chemnitz

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