
The cooperation-network H2 apply

Company network for product development for the decentralized use of hydrogen as an energy carrier in the manufacturing industry.


The H2 apply network is a ZIM-funded innovation network that aims to implement product developments in the field of decentralized energy supply with green hydrogen in order to make future production emission-free. Thereby the chances and the growth of the hydrogen industry shall be used in order to

  • establish and validate successful, CO2-neutral production concepts with lighthouse character for other medium-sized companies,
  • to establish system-relevant know-how for processes in the "hydrogen as an energy carrier" value chain, especially in German and Saxon SMEs,
  • to allow SMEs to participate disproportionately in this development,
  • to give SMEs the opportunity to develop new products and to market them successfully.

The cooperation-network I-Base

The cooperation network for the development of CO2 saving potentials for existing industrial plants


The I-Base network is a cooperation platform for small and medium-sized companies in the manufacturing sector, which can precisely detect energy potentials through digital data analysis on existing processes and enables new developments in the field of CO2 savings. The "transparent machine" is explicitly aimed at as a basis and should lead to a maximum reduction of CO2 through further measures in the area of mechanics and process design.


The cooperation-network OSGM

Open Source Business Models


The "OSGM" network serves to test approaches for generating business model innovations in a cross-industry network of companies for the transfer to an open source platform for SMEs. The main research focus is on the identification of relevant innovative-disruptive approaches to business model innovation in SMEs and the implementation of a complete open innovation approach in a protected space in the course of the network. The approach will be tested in 4 fields of action - trade, service, integration and product development. Through a secure way of sharing information, new approaches can be generated by many users for different target groups.

The cooperation-network CargoXS

Development of a new type of vehicle for last mile applications in developing emerging countries.


The aim of the cooperation network is the conception, development and implementation of innovative technical as well as organizational solutions in the field of networked electric light vehicles.


The following three fields of action will be addressed, reflecting the current challenges for SMEs in the internationalization of connected electric light vehicles:


Field of action 1: Development of a new vehicle category.


Field of action 2: Development of digital usage concepts as a basis for multiple use - consideration of other possible business models in connection with the use


Field of action 3: Internationalization in vehicles, systems and components

The cooperation-network AuRoMi

Automation and robotics for SMEs


The cooperation network Automation and Robotics for SMEs, AuRoMi for short, is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy as part of the Central Innovation Program for SMEs (ZIM).


The aim of the cooperation network AuRoMi is the conception, development and implementation of innovative technical and organizational solutions in the field of automation and robotics, which will put medium-sized industrial companies in a position not only to implement the required technological changes - but also to benefit from them economically.


The cooperation network Automation and Robotics for SMEs will help to systematically overcome the structural deficits in classic SMEs, which currently still significantly impede the efficient use of modern automation technology.

The cooperation-network MATZE

Material Chipping


MATZE is a cooperation network for the development of innovative and system-integratable technical andtechnological solutions for the chipping of new, innovative and application-oriented materials, funded within the framework of the ZIM Central Innovation Program for SMEs. We offer a solid basis for combining, merging and further developing regional and supra-regional economic and research know-how from science, industry and trade in the field of chipping materials. Our aim is to derive technological added values for the joint conception, development and implementation of system-integrated technological manufacturing solutions.

The cooperation-network Bahntecnet

We are researching for the future of rail-bound freight transport.


The content of the cooperation network bahntecnet is based on the initiative "5L for the realization of the innovative freight car 2030". Therefore, know-how from the areas of development, production, maintenance, service and infrastructure in rail technology is put together in order to derive and realize corresponding development and implementation activities. bahntecnet is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy based on a decision of the German Bundestag.

The cooperation-network Conloadsys

Simplified Container and Box Loading Systems


As part of the ZIM-Koop-KF project "CONLOADSYS-mobile", the project partners involved developed a new, mobile and modular multi-way system for loading and unloading non-system-compliant goods into/from standardized transport containers for professional use. The modular structure, consisting of a load handling system and a load movement system, is the main characteristic of the system.

The cooperation-network InnveloEnergie

Converting loss energy into electrical energy


The InnveloEnergie network pursues the goal of converting lost energy, which is usually in the form of waste heat, into electrical energy for the company in order to make it usable. The focus is on using the generated electrical energy for electromobility. By taking a holistic view of the energetic processes in the entire area in consideration, the analyzed potentials are to be converted  into electrical energy through developments.


The harnessed electrical energy is to be transferred into innovative usage concepts.

The cooperation-network Prelum

Energy-efficient lightweight press


The aim was to develop and test a plant concept for various forming processes, different component dimensions, high versatility in terms of location and organization, simple modular design, adapted to logistical processes such as material flow, and fast and cost-effective integration capability into existing production lines.


PRELUM was funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy based on a decision of the German Bundestag.

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